Uno haiku di Inahata Teiko ( 稲畑汀子) scelto e tradotto da Maria Laura Valente.

Uno haiku di Inahata Teiko ( 稲畑汀子) scelto e tradotto da Maria Laura Valente.

For those who don’t read Italian nor Japanese, here it is an English version:

today everything / anything and everything / feels like spring (English translation by Maria Laura Valente).

Uno haiku primaverile (春の俳句) di Nakamura Teijo (中村 汀女) scelto e tradotto da Maria Laura Valente.

Uno haiku primaverile (春の俳句) di Nakamura Teijo (中村 汀女) scelto e tradotto da Maria Laura Valente.

For those who don’t read Italian nor Japanese, here it is an English version:

dandelions – / in the immense sky / an endless sun (English translation by Maria Laura Valente)


La mia nuova raccolta di 100 haiku, pubblicata da La Ruota Edizioni.
Nota critica di Luca Cenisi.
Postfazione di Andrea Cecon.
Traduzioni in lingua inglese di Charlotte Digregorio.
Traduzioni in lingua giapponese di Junko Nomura e Mascha Stroobant.
Traduzioni in lingua araba di Sameh Derouich.
Traduzioni in lingua francese di Olivier Schopfer.
Traduzioni in lingua russa di Valeria Simonova-Cecon.

My new collection of 100 haiku, edited by La Ruota Edizioni.
Foreword by Luca Cenisi.
Afterword by Andrea Cecon.
English translation by Charlotte Digregorio.
Japanese translation by Junko Nomura e Mascha Stroobant.
Arabian translation by Sameh Derouich.
French translation by Olivier Schopfer.
Russian translation by Valeria Simonova-Cecon.


Familiar Sayings That Can Apply to Haiku & Senryu

Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog

First, thanks to all who took the time to reply to my request for familiar sayings that can apply to haiku and senryu. Twenty-one of you submitted mostly two sayings which I stated was the maximum. Some people tried to sneak in a third which I deleted.

Some of you didn’t state your country or full name, so I contacted you with a reply beneath your submission and tried to look the info up. If I didn’t get the needed information, it appears as such. (Off hand, I don’t always remember of what nationality you are, and some of you have never been featured on The Daily Haiku, so I don’t know your nationality.)

Some repeated what others had already listed, so I tried to contact you to ask you to submit another saying.

Further, some stated what I thought was more like an explanation than a saying, so I…

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Please Contribute a Saying that Describes Haiku & Senryu

Charlotte Digregorio's Writer's Blog

Dear Loyal Readers and Followers:

I’ve been thinking about short, familiar sayings that can apply to haiku.

Mine are:

  1.  As far as your mind will go
  2.  The long and short of it

What are yours? Please submit no more than two per person.

I will run the results on Sunday. So hurry!

Respond below, and I will compile all your replies into one post. Include your name and country.


Charlotte Digregorio, Author of Haiku and Senryu: A Simple Guide for All

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