Lungo i filari ~ Menzione d’Onore al Premio Letterario La couleur d’un poème (Milano, 2017)

lungo i filari
riflessa in ogni acino
la luna piena

in the vineyard / reflected in each grape / the full moon

Maria Laura Valente

Menzione d’Onore al Premio Letterario La couleur d’un poème (Milano, 2017).

Selezionato per la IX Conferenza dell’Associazione Mondiale Haiku (9th World Haiku Association Conference), Parma, 8-10 Settembre 2017. Pubblicato nell’antologia del Convegno (MUP Editore, Fondazione Monteparma, 2017).


Spider Lilies ~ Blithe Spirit (September 2017)

my mother’s eyes
the day her mother died–
spider lilies

Maria Laura Valente

Blithe Spirit – Journal of the British Haiku Society, volume 57, number 3, p. 41, September 2017, edited by Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy.

Spider Lilies: kigo of autumn. Scarlet and evocative flowers that usually bloom near cemeteries around the autumnal equinox. Japanese and Chinese people say that these flowers can be found in the land of the dead, so they use to leave them on the graves during funerals.


‘Awakening in Kyoto’ ~ Asahi Haikuist Network – June 30, 2017

Uno dei miei due haiku selezionati dal professor David McMurray e pubblicati su Asahi Haikuist Network (30 Giugno 2017), la rubrica dello Asahi Shinbun.

awakening in Kyoto–
the scent of green tea
fills the light
–Maria Laura Valente (Romagna, Italy)

Asahi Haikuist Network – June 30, 2017

risveglio a Kyoto–
l’aroma del tè verde
colma la luce


‘Midsummer Divorce’ ~ un mio componimento appare sulla rivista inglese Blithe Spirit (May 2017)

Un mio componimento appare sul numero 27.2 (Maggio 2017) di Blithe Spirit, la rivista ufficiale della British Haiku Society, edita da Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy.
A poem of mine have been featured in Blithe Spirit (issue 27.2, May 2017) the British Haiku Society‘s official journal, edited by Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy.

midsummer divorce…
the white stripe
on her ring finger

dopo il divorzio estivo
la striscia bianca

© Maria Laura Valente
